AI is here to stay. How can your company benefit from the digital transformation?
It is only during the past five years that companies started paying attention to the practical application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in business. The most proactive industry leaders, however, have already introduced products and services based on technologies, ranging from augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) through artificial intelligence (AI) to blockchain.
As underlined by Vala Afshar, Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce, a company can no longer ignore innovation if it is planning to maintain competitive advantage in the marketplace in the near future:
Dear CEO,
If your board of directors are not interested or asking you to articulate your near-term AI strategy for new products, services and business model innovation opportunities, then you need to elect new board members. Your future depends on your company’s AI strategy.
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) January 16, 2018
Indeed, new developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning must be used in every enterprise, large or small, because it improves efficiency and productivity, customers’ experience and business agility. Innovative technological solutions, like the Salesforce platform, for instance, facilitate the time-to-market process in a whole new way, allowing company owners to save time and costs on quality customer relationship marketing.
If Artificial Intelligence encompasses all intelligent systems that help people make decisions at scale without human interaction, Machine Learning refers to a programme’s ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Together with deep learning which is data-driven computation via multilayered neural networks, these technologies can simplify operations and assist business owners in decision-making.
For example, AI-supported predictive models that can analyze complex datasets tend to deliver accurate results much faster than can be done by deploying human capacity alone. The application of such predictive models enables more effective and timely identification of market risks and opportunities.
Datamation compiled the following list of key ways how AI can be employed in business organisations:
- AI for automated cloud management and cost containment (by bringing intelligent machine operations online).
- AI for cybersecurity (since AI cannot fall victim to hubris and other human foibles that diminish security).
- AI for engaging app experiences (to optimise customer experience in-store or online).
- AI for more productive meetings (through use of virtual assistants and cloud-based video conferencing solutions).
- AI for improved professional relationships (with facial recognition technology being built into remote collaboration tools).
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