National Highways has launched an online feedback tool for road users and those who live near to England’s motorways and major A roads to give their views on where investment is needed the most.
The strategic road network managed by National Highways (formerly Highways England) stretches over 4,300 miles and connects the UK’s major towns and cities and represents the core our of national transport system.
Our roads are vital in enabling businesses to transport products and services, providing access to jobs and suppliers, and facilitating trade and investment across the country as well as providing essential links for leisure and connecting people and places.
The online tool has been developed as part of our engagement process for Route Strategies which is one activity used to inform the government’s decisions on future road investment. The new easy-to-use online tool provides everyone from commuters, professional road users, nearby residents and community groups to comment. As well as capturing public feedback the database will be used to record engagement with local government and transport authorities, as well as other interested parties.
Together with input from a wide range of other stakeholders feedback will be used to inform recommendations and investment plans going forward for the Department for Transport’s next Road Investment Strategies (RIS3 2025 – 2030).
The online tool is open for feedback until 30 November 2021.
See Route Strategies – Planning for the future of our roads for further information.
Image: Itchen Bridge, Southampton, UK / Mangopear Creative
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