Provisional Fishing Quota for UK Fishermen to Be Set Shortly

Provisional Fishing Quota for UK Fishermen to Be Set Shortly

The provisional catch limits for fishermen in the UK will ensure fishing continues uninterrupted until annual fisheries negotiations with the EU, Norway and Faroe Islands conclude.

Following consultation with the Devolved Administrations and Marine Management Organisation, the UK government will set provisional catch limits in line with the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. These will generally be calculated using a percentage of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) advice for each stock. Where needed, a higher allocation will be made for seasonal fisheries.

The annual negotiations will take place now the UK and EU have concluded the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Under that agreement, the UK will see year on year increases in our share of the total allowable catch, moving from just over half of the quota stocks in our own waters now, to two thirds of the stocks in our waters after five and a half years.

“For the first time in 40 years we enter into annual fisheries negotiations as an independent coastal State. As a responsible independent coastal State we are taking measures to ensure that we fish sustainably, and that our fishermen can continue to operate smoothly while those annual negotiations take place.”


– Victoria Prentis, Fisheries Minister

As the UK/EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement states, UK vessels will be permitted to fish in EU waters and EU vessels in UK waters. However, from 1 January, UK and EU vessels must not fish in each other’s waters without a licence. Licensing of UK and EU vessels will begin shortly.

Until agreement is reached with Norway and the Faroe Islands, UK vessels are not permitted to fish in their waters and vice versa.

Earlier this year the Marine Management Organisation published a series of guides to signpost the steps commercial fishers and seafood exporters may need to take to continue trading after 1 January 2021.

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