Changes to PROOF Service Will Enhance Security of Company Filings

Changes to PROOF Service Will Enhance Security of Company Filings

The Companies House’s changes will help prevent unauthorised company name changes.

PROOF is a free service which lets you protect your company from unauthorised or fraudulent changes to your records. It prevents the filing of certain paper forms, such as changes to your company’s registered office address or directors’ details.

From today, 2 documents you need to change a company name will be added to the PROOF service. These are:

  • form NM01 (notice of change of name by resolution)
  • copy of resolution (change of name by special resolution)

A change of name by special resolution accounts for the majority of company name changes the Companies House receives, and it is currently the only type of name change you can submit electronically.

There is no legal requirement to file the form NM01 (notice of change of name by resolution) and the change of name by special resolution documents together. However, for the Companies House to register the change of name and issue the certificate of incorporation on change of name, they must accept both documents. If you’re filing the NM01 and the resolution in paper format separately, you will also need to file a paper consent form for each document.

You can join PROOF by using the Companies House online filing service. You’ll need to be registered for online filing.

You can also get the paper consent form by emailing the Companies House’s contact centre

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